Unlocking the Secrets to Better Sleep with Dr. Catherine Darley

{{support-the-podcast}} Facebook Group Dr. Catherine Darley a sleep specialist, delves into the role that sleep plays in our overall health and well-being. She provides a comprehensive overview of the three pillars of healthy sleep—duration, quality, and timing—and examines the societal hurdles contributing to widespread sleep insufficiency. Key Discussion Points: The Three Pillars of Healthy Sleep:…

Living Your Values: A Deep Dive into Mindfulness with Dr. Alice Rizzi

{{support-the-podcast}} Facebook Group My guest Dr. Alice Rizzi emphasizes the importance of living according to personal values to achieve authenticity and happiness. She distinguishes values from goals and morals, noting their individualistic nature. Key topics include using value cards to identify core values, aligning goals with these values, and understanding health holistically, recognizing that health…

From Burnout to Empowerment – My Conversation with Alyssa Brade

{{support-the-podcast}} Facebook Group Get the book: Mommy Needs a Moment: From Burnout to Empowerment Alyssa is a storyteller living with her husband and two toddler boys in the remote countryside of Washington state. A millennial mom navigating the parenting challenges of today’s demanding world, Alyssa brings her personal experiences, background in English and anthropology, and a unique blend of empathy and expertise to fellow mothers….

Walk Across America – My Conversation with Ranger Kielak

{{support-the-podcast}} Ranger is walking across America from South Carolina to California. As he walks he is raising money for three non-profits. Ranger’s motivation stems from seeing others do the walk, and realizing his excuses were just that – excuses. Non-Profits He’s Supporting Future Farmers of America Bigger Than The Trail (mental health for runners) Hospice…

Lemons, Limes, and Life-Altering Diagnosis – My Conversation with Catherin Courtice

{{support-the-podcast}} Catherine Courtice, author of “When Life Gives You Lemons, Choose the Line”, shares her journey of overcoming chronic pain after a severe accident in 2007. She discusses feeling isolated, misunderstood, and dismissed by the medical system, and how she eventually found a path to reclaiming her life. The Catalyst Moment Catherine describes the pivotal…

Redefining Life as a Caregiver – My Conversation with Cynthia Lim

Support the Podcast Join the Facebook Group Key Takeaways Cynthia received little guidance or support from the medical community on being a caregiver Having a core group of supportive friends and family was crucial Writing and joining a brain injury support group helped provide an outlet It’s important for caregivers to take breaks, treat themselves,…

Becoming the Caregiver for Your Spouse – My Conversation with Harry Styron

My friend Harry Styron reaching out to be a guest on the podcast, and I also appreciate his candid words. It was a heartfelt and poignant conversation about the reality of caregiving for spouses with Alzheimer’s. Resources mentioned in this episode Teepasnow.com Natali Edmonds and Careblazers Banner Health Got questions, comments, or thoughts? {{email}} me…

Inspiring strides in Business, Life, and Beyond – My Conversation with Trina Wilcox

I had a great time chatting with Trina. She’s building a wonderful community over on Run Radio. We talked about the mission behind Run Radio, self-care and chronic conditions, and the benefits of networking and collaboration. Trina Wilcox has her Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems from Missouri State University. After working as an…