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Catherine Courtice, the author of “When Life Gives You Lemons, Choose the Line,” shares her journey of overcoming chronic pain after a severe accident in 2007. She discusses feeling isolated, misunderstood, and dismissed by the medical system and how she eventually found a path to reclaiming her life.

The Catalyst Moment

Catherine describes the pivotal moment when she realized that nothing would change unless she took action. She had to let go of the life she had before and start focusing on the life she could create within her new constraints. This “catalyst moment” was the turning point that set her on a path of healing and growth.

The AARC Framework

Catherine outlines her AARC framework – Acknowledge, Accountability, Reframe, and Choice. This process helped her shift her mindset from victimhood to empowerment, and start taking small, manageable steps to rebuild her life.

Connecting with Others

Catherine discusses the importance of communication and setting boundaries, both with loved ones and medical professionals. She emphasizes the need for understanding and empathy and provides suggestions for how to approach conversations about chronic pain and invisible illnesses.

The Power of Words

Catherine emphasizes the profound impact that the words we use, both to ourselves and to others, can have on our physical and mental well-being. She encourages people to be mindful of the language they use and to reframe their inner dialogue in a more positive, constructive way.

Maintaining Hope

Despite the challenges, Catherine urges people with chronic conditions to hold onto hope that their situation can improve. She stresses the importance of not losing that glimmer of hope, as it is essential for fueling the motivation to keep moving forward.

Listen to Empower Her Wellness

Your Host – Shelly Drymon

My mission is to empower and inspire women to embrace their life transitions as opportunities for wellness, growth, and self-discovery and live their lives with clarity, purpose, and joy. Committed to honesty, integrity, and authenticity, I lead by example, showing that it’s never too late to live a life you love. 

My Guest – Catherine Courtice

Catherine Courtice, a compassionate writer, speaker, advocate, and educator empowering those facing chronic pain and life-altering diagnoses. Her background in Kinesiology, Education, mobility, therapy, and coaching provides deep insight into the human experience.

Having journeyed through chronic pain herself, she brings empathy, insight, and resilience to everything she does. Her ‘wholistic’ approach combines practical and scientific strategies, Christian principles, and specific mindfulness techniques, guiding clients to find hope amidst life’s challenges. Catherine’s inspiring debut book, When Life Gives You Lemons, Choose the Lime, invites readers to embrace their unique healing journey and discover their limitless potential to live a fulfilling life after a life-altering diagnosis. Catherine lives and works in Wolfe Island, Ontario.

Where to find Catherine:

Facebook Group – Overcoming Chronic Pain


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