Listen to Empower Her Wellness

Get the book: Mommy Needs a Moment: From Burnout to Empowerment

Alyssa is a storyteller living with her husband and two toddler boys in the remote countryside of Washington state. A millennial mom navigating the parenting challenges of today’s demanding world, Alyssa brings her personal experiences, background in English and anthropology, and a unique blend of empathy and expertise to fellow mothers. Join her in exploring heavily researched tools to reduce burnout, reclaim overall well-being, and rediscover an empowered you.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of not losing yourself when caring for others, and pursuing your own goals/dreams
  • Dangers of information overload and not trusting your intuition as a caregiver
  • Value of being present and practicing “slow living” rather than constantly rushing
  • Need for a community/village to support caregivers across different life stages
  • Assessing your own mental health as a critical part of being an effective caregiver


Losing Yourself in Caregiving

  • Alyssa’s quote: “Find yourself again, have goals, hopes, dreams. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom or you don’t care about your family. It means you love them enough not to lose yourself in the process.”
  • Importance of maintaining your identity and not sacrificing everything for caregiving roles
  • Potential for resentment if you completely lose yourself

Information Overload and Intuition

  • An overabundance of advice/information online can lead to analysis paralysis
  • Often contradictory information from different sources
  • It can cause you to second-guess your intuition about what’s best for your child/loved one

Slow Living and Being Present

  • Slow Living and Being Present
  • Constant rushing and trying to “do it all” prevents you from being fully present
  • Example of Alyssa stressing about finding a birthday cupcake rather than enjoying the moment
  • Kids value presence over perfection
  • Opportunities to involve kids and teach life skills when going slowly

Need for a Village

  • Modern isolation and nuclear families deprive caregivers of a support system
  • Value of interacting with people in different life stages for wisdom and perspective
  • Creating neighborhoods/communities that bring different generations together

Assessing Mental Health

  • Importance of evaluating your own mental health, which can be impacted by caregiving
  • Alyssa’s examples of postpartum depression and accident after burning out
  • Kids will mirror your mental/emotional state as a model

Your Host – Shelly Drymon

My mission is to empower and inspire women to embrace their life transitions as opportunities for wellness, growth, and self-discovery and live their lives with clarity, purpose, and joy. Committed to honesty, integrity, and authenticity, I lead by example, showing that it’s never too late to live a life you love. 

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