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Listen to Empower Her Wellness

My guest Dr. Alice Rizzi emphasizes the importance of living according to personal values to achieve authenticity and happiness. She distinguishes values from goals and morals, noting their individualistic nature. Key topics include using value cards to identify core values, aligning goals with these values, and understanding health holistically, recognizing that health goals evolve. Mindfulness is highlighted as a crucial tool for enhancing self-awareness, identifying values, and achieving peace by staying present and accepting the moment.

The discussion also addresses therapy’s role in helping individuals acknowledge past experiences without blame and emphasizes taking responsibility for healing, particularly for women over 50 affected by societal expectations. Tools like self-awareness, questioning beliefs, and mindfulness are recommended for challenging ingrained values and fostering self-growth. The conversation underscores the importance of aligning actions with personal values, building genuine connections through authenticity, and practicing self-compassion and mindfulness. Dr. Rizzi provides insights on mindfulness, emphasizing self-reflection and offering practical advice for daily mindfulness practices.

You can find Dr. Rizzi here:

Main Theme: Living According to Personal Values for Authenticity and Happiness

Key Highlights:

Understanding Personal Values:

  • Dr. Alice Rizzi distinguishes between values, goals, and morals.
  • Values are highly individualistic and crucial for achieving authenticity.

Identifying Core Values:

  • Introduction of value cards as a tool to identify and understand one’s core values.
  • Emphasis on aligning personal goals with these core values.

Holistic Health Approach:

  • Health is seen as an evolving concept, with goals changing over time.
  • Importance of viewing health holistically.

Mindfulness and Self-Awareness:

  • Mindfulness as a vital practice for enhancing self-awareness and identifying values.
  • Achieving peace by staying present and accepting the moment.

Therapy and Healing:

  • Therapy helps individuals acknowledge past experiences without blame.
  • Focus on taking responsibility for one’s healing journey, especially for women over 50 facing societal pressures.

Tools for Self-Growth:

  • Self-awareness, questioning beliefs, and mindfulness as essential tools.
  • Challenging ingrained values to foster self-growth.

Authenticity and Genuine Connections:

  • Importance of aligning actions with personal values.
  • Building genuine connections through authenticity.

Self-Compassion and Mindfulness Practices:

  • Practicing self-compassion and mindfulness in daily life.
  • Dr. Rizzi’s insights on mindfulness and practical advice for incorporating it into everyday routines.

Your Host – Shelly Drymon

My mission is to empower and inspire women to embrace their life transitions as opportunities for wellness, growth, and self-discovery and live their lives with clarity, purpose, and joy. Committed to honesty, integrity, and authenticity, I lead by example, showing that it’s never too late to live a life you love. 

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