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About Sarah

Sarah Cart was raised and educated in New York and New England. As a freelance writer, her work appeared in multiple local publications while she and her husband, Ben, raised four sons in northeastern Ohio. Upon becoming empty nesters, the two moved to the Florida Keys. Then in 2017, Ben was diagnosed with a degenerative autoimmune disorder, and over time, their relationship evolved to that of patient and caregiver, but by the dawn of 2020, Ben was dying. Ten days into the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, his kidneys crashed, his heart was failing, and he ended up in the ICU at Cleveland Clinic Weston (FL).

Sarah’s memoir, On My Way Back to You, is more than the chronicle of Ben’s journey to death’s doorstep and back. It’s a love story about resiliency and the power of community, a roadmap through some of life’s greatest challenges and the determination of two people who relied on grit, grace, and endless patience to find their way back to each other.

Show Notes

Having sheltered in place in Florida for the entirety of 2020, in the wake of Ben’s undergoing miraculous lifesaving measures, they have been afforded the unanticipated gift of a future and, more than ever before, relish time spent with family and friends.

“On My Way Back to You” by Sarah Cart details her journey as a caregiver for her husband Ben, who suffers from systemic sclerosis. Ben’s declining health led to significant weight loss, heart complications, and eventually a heart transplant. The narrative captures the emotional toll of caregiving, the preparation for future independence, and the complexities involved, especially during the pandemic when her husband Ben underwent kidney failure and subsequent heart transplant.

Sarah underscores the lack of training and support for caregivers, the emotional burden they carry, and the importance of difficult conversations about mortality and care preferences. It also emphasizes understanding patients’ values in medical decisions through personal anecdotes.

The story reflects on a couple’s relationship change, highlighting the need for lighthearted banter and open communication.

We also discuss the broader societal need for better recognition and education regarding caregiving roles, pointing out the critical role of unpaid caregivers in the U.S. healthcare system, the alarming statistics about caregiver mortality, and share coping mechanisms like journaling and mindfulness, and stress the importance of self-care.

Your Host – Shelly Drymon

My mission is to empower and inspire women to embrace their life transitions as opportunities for wellness, growth, and self-discovery and live their lives with clarity, purpose, and joy. Committed to honesty, integrity, and authenticity, I lead by example, showing that it’s never too late to live a life you love. 

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